
PSOLA is a land-use allocation model integrated with particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). It is super-fast and easy to extend. I'm glad to see any applications in the actual land-use decision-making.


How to use it

cd PSOLA/example/gq
mpiexec -np 4 ./psola --xml=config.xml

After the model finished the optimization, you can use Maplayer to analysis the results


Usage: ./psola [options]
  -h, --help                   display this help and exit
  -v, --version                display version information and exit

  -N, --population=<arg>       number of particles in a deme
  -M, --max=<arg>              value range [0, max)
  -w, --momentum=<arg>         coefficient of keep current status
  -c, --c1=<arg>               coefficient of move to Pbest
  -C, --c2=<arg>               coefficient of move to Gbest
  -r, --r1=<arg>               random seed 1 of PSO
  -R, --r2=<arg>               random seed 2 of PSO
  -g, --generation=<arg>       total number of iterations
  -i, --interval=<arg>         frequency of output
  -o, --output=<arg>           output directory
  -m, --mode=<sync|async>      synchronous or asynchronous land-use change
  -x, --xml=<arg>              xml file for configuration


Docs coming soon...